About T

Tasha is 26 years old and a resident of Nevada. She has been practicing magic since she was 14 years old.

She began with the tradition of Gardnerian Wicca, studying that for six years with a coven in northern Nevada, and then pursuing a year of Cherokee shaman/medicine woman training. Once she encountered commercialized “eclectic” Wicca she dropped out of the religion; it was not the only reason, but it was the “straw that broke the camel’s back,” as it were. Other reasons she cites for leaving the religion:

  • A difficulty accepting the belief of an all-knowing creator or creators.
  • A wish to learn, if not practice, the more dark aspects of magic.
  • A disgust for those who lack the knowledge and yet tout the beliefs of Wicca.
  • Discovering the essay “Why Wiccans Suck” and realizing that even though she didn’t fall in with the “fluffy bunny” crowd, she was guilty of the majority of the charges.

Since then, she has learned a lot. She considers herself an atheist as she rejects the concepts of worship or belief in a deity personified. She has made peace with religion as a whole, and considers magic a science that we have not yet explained. As it works in a fairly predictable manner, much as the laws of nature do, she does not believe this is an entirely unfounded supposition.

This site is her personal grimoire. It belongs to no one path. Tasha is not religious and thus this is a conglomeration of the principles of magic that make sense and she  has performed personally, rather than those with a basis in religion. You will find a variety of mysticism and paths here: Tasha has studied various  branches of Wicca, Christian High Magic, various Native American paths, several neopagan religions based on the Celtic, Egyptian, Greek and Roman cultures, Tai Chi spirituality and martial arts, and LaVeyan Satanism. All of those will be incorporated here.


All content on this website is copyright Natasha Costa unless otherwise noted.


The information displayed here is for informational purposes only.

The information and opinions expressed here are representative of only myself, Natasha Costa. They do not represent those of my employers, any organizations I belong to, friends, relatives, or acquaintances.

Email the webmaster at tashabot at gmail dot com.