
“Dark” is usually explained as balancing out the “light” for the better good of all. (“Dead animals make dirt for the flowers to grow in!”) That’s nice and all, but there’s a lot of nasty stuff out there that’s far more subtle to explain in such a naive way.

When you can see no practical difference between a kitten playing with a ball of string, and an angry, territorial primate flinging his own feces at others…
when you can accept how graceful dolphins are, even while they gang-rape the female of the species…
when you see violence and cruelty as part of the cycle of nature, rather than something to be avoided…
when you no longer favor Enya over Skinny Puppy, or vice versa…
when you realize that the Earth doesn’t care whether she’s got a workable ecosystem with lots of cute animals, or if she’s fraught with an uninhabitable mess of gaseous storms like her brother Jupiter…
then you can talk about balance.

Why Wiccans Suck navigation
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Why Wiccans Suck (Read this first)
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—-Other Annoying Facts
“You’re Not Worthy!”
Those Annoying Christians
Burning Times

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