
Next Time, Give the B—h a Biscuit


“My boyfriend (a Buddhist) and I (More confused than anything else) recently got kicked out of the Pagan Student Union at our university for a comic he published in the local free-speech newspaper… We both thought that PSU was going to be something it’s not (ie: Open-minded, enlightening, etc). Several of the members have tried to be such, but in general, meetings devolve into generic Christian-bashing based on whatever campaign or cute fund-and-membership-raiser event the Campus Crusade for Christ was running….” — from an email.

Many thanks to Kung Fu For Dubious Ends for letting me post the (slightly censored) comic here.

Wiccans and the Devil

Don’t think the Wiccans have a Devil? Then read on. And read extra carefully — and extra slowly — if you think I’m about to launch into Christian Fundamentalist mode; this page is targeted specifically at you.

Ask any fluffbunny a question about the Bible, and watch their reaction. Now, it doesn’t matter if you’re interested in doing research, or if it’s a perfectly logical question with plenty of interesting intellectual potential. No, sir — they’ll grimace and tell you, at length, all of the reasons Why Christians Suck. Wiccans are “open-minded” enough to encourage study and incorporation of other religions — as long as it’s not that religion.

“Satan” means Adversary. In the case of the Christians, the Adversary is a red-skinned, horned beast with a pitchfork, responsible for all that is Evil in the world. The Wiccans have exactly the same thing… except the Evil deity is the Xian God, and his demons are Fundies. They are responsible for everything evil in the Wiccan world.

Do you have any idea how many Wiccans have assumed that I’m Xian, just because I criticize them?

I fantasize about going to Mayor Daley’s church (Chicago) and leaving behind behind one of those designer urinal cakes. Can you imagine how batf-ck they’d go if someone did that? Wiccans might not be independent fundamentalist Baptists but they never killed hundreds of millions of them in the past 2000 years the way the Catholic Church did….
— random post from a Wiccan message board

There is so much hatred in the Wiccan world! Listen to a Wiccan ranting about the injustices that the Xian laws have caused — listen to them recite, gleefully, all of the contradictions they can find in the Bible — listen to them blame the Xian God for all of the Holy Wars — then step back, take a good look, and wonder why these poor Xians think you’ve been misled by the Devil. You’re certainly not giving them any reason to think otherwise.

Almost everyone has a Devil of some sort. The KKK has non-whites to hate. The Pro-Lifers have abortionists to hate. The environmentalists have big business to hate. And the Wiccans have Xians to hate. It is human nature to pick your war, find a scapegoat, and declare with all of your might that “I am better than those people!” But… of course… the hatred is always *justified*.

“Oh,” but you might say, “I don’t hate the Xians. I just dislike the fact that so many innocent children are being brainwashed into believing that stuff” or “that the teachings of Jesus have been mangled” or “that the Church is responsible for so much evil.” You’ll always feel validated in your anger, because, after all, you love to pick up little facts and stories to strengthen your current belief system. I’ve no doubt that you can tell me dozens of reasons why it’s okay to hate those other people.

But there’s something else to all of this. In my talks with Wiccans, there’s always the sense that, yes, Christians are okay if they’re trying to be nice people, but they’re really missing out on the Good Pagan Stuff. That’s where it’s really at.

Sure, you may have found in Wicca what you were missing somewhere else — but does that mean that Wicca is the purest form of God?

I came to an important realization a long time ago — there is no Good Stuff. There is no “where it’s at.” Has anyone truly seen the world from the eyes of the God(s)? Has anyone found the Secrets of the Universe yet? Has anyone outside of an acid trip really understood ALL for more than a few seconds?

Everybody is stumbling along looking for the same peace and security, and no one, not even the buddhas, seems to have found it yet. We’ve only found bits and pieces of it. The religions are pathways, all blind men leading other blind men down a road to who knows where. This doesn’t mean that religions are a Bad Thing — it only means that we should realize that we’re all in the same boat.

Go on, keep hating the Xians if it makes you feel better. But remember… rocking the boat won’t get you “there” any faster.

Why Wiccans Suck navigation
Home Page
Why Wiccans Suck (Read this first)
The History of Wicca
—-Other Annoying Facts
“You’re Not Worthy!”
Those Annoying Christians
Burning Times

Everything on this page is © 4nongoths originally. It is reprinted here without permission as I have no idea how to get ahold of 4nongoths. If you are 4nongoths, please feel free to email me and we can discuss taking this information down.


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