Front Page

I have no problem with Wicca.
It’s the Wiccans I can’t stand.

So, you heard about the page and showed up to tell me off?

Then you are part of the problem.

Being a Wiccan makes you feel Special, eh? Well shove your pride back down your throat, kids! This is your wake-up call.

terms to know

“Why Wiccans Suck”. My little rant has been so widely read, it unintentionally started a whole anti-fluffbunny movement in the Wicca subculture.

The “Wiccan” wannabes who are delighted to be persecuted, and came here to give me a piece of their mind. If my website offends you, then you’re probably one of them.

Real Wiccan
A dedicated seeker who actually knows something about Gardner’s original Wicca, including its dark side. These are the anti-fluffbunnies — in behavior, speech, and practice.
(Of course, you’re one of these Real Wiccans, eh?)

A religion that you already know all about, right? You might be surprised….

Charms, curses, necromancy, levitation, etc. Yes, the stuff from fairy tales. In other words, the same definition of “magic” that has been around for centuries before the tree-huggers-with-typewriters got ahold of it. (Aleister Crowley, incidentally, added the “k” to make his gematria fit.)

Someone with magical powers. I repeat, someone with magical powers.
Changing your religion to “Wicca” does NOT make you a witch. Religion has nothing to do with it. (How many Xians have you met who can change water into wine?)

Short for “Christian,” like “Xmas.” Fluffbunnies simply LOVE to complain endlessly about Xians (even though Wicca has nothing to do with Xianity OR Xians).

Why Wiccans Suck navigation
Home Page
Why Wiccans Suck (Read this first)
The History of Wicca
—-Other Annoying Facts
“You’re Not Worthy!”
Those Annoying Christians
Burning Times

Everything on this page is © 4nongoths originally. It is reprinted here without permission as I have no idea how to get ahold of 4nongoths. If you are 4nongoths, please feel free to email me and we can discuss taking this information down.


All content on this website is copyright Natasha Costa unless otherwise noted.


The information displayed here is for informational purposes only.

The information and opinions expressed here are representative of only myself, Natasha Costa. They do not represent those of my employers, any organizations I belong to, friends, relatives, or acquaintances.

Email the webmaster at tashabot at gmail dot com.