FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • “Stupid Christian!!! You don’t know ANYTHING about Wicca so just SHUT UP! Your silly Jesus is a LIE!”
    First off, I’m not a Christian. I’m a fellow witch. And actually, I happen to know quite a lot about Wicca.
    *grunt of disgust* … If you showed up at this webpage, and automatically assumed I’m a Christian, then you really, truly, absolutely need to read Why Wiccans Suck, you prejudiced idiot. Because I’m not a Christian. I’m not a Christian. I’m NOT a Christian. There. Has it gotten through your thick skull yet?
    Next week, our special episode will be “Good Guys, Bad Guys: Why it never works that way in the Real World.” Stay tuned.
  • “Why do you hate Wicca so much?”
    I don’t. It’s a decent religion, and it’s a shame that Wiccans are defiling it so badly. Wicca is not about preaching, hatred, “coming out,” warning about Bad Karma, showing off, or Christianity. Wicca is about Wicca! Why is that so hard for you people to grasp? I am trying to SAVE Wicca from the morons giving it a bad name!
  • “Stop bashing our beliefs!!!”
    See entry above.
    Apparently you didn’t read past the website title.
  • “Not ALL Wiccans suck! I know some really nice Wiccans! You can’t group them all together like that!!!”
    No, not ALL Wiccans suck. I’ve split them into two groups on the front page, if you’d bother to read it — just because I’m sick of getting this comment in my email. For more on this topic, read the question below, and you’ll understand.
  • “Why did you name your page something so awful? Rename the page!!!”
    The page is named “Why Wiccans Suck” because a newbie zealot fluffy will see the title, get offended, click on the link LOOKING for evidence of religious oppression, and search around for the email address of the Fundie Christian so that they can rail angrily at them about how peaceful Wicca is and how much Xians suck. Those are EXACTLY my target audience. They are the people who NEED to read my website.
    In the past four years, my page has gotten enough traffic to compete with WitchVox. What does that tell you? …Sad, isn’t it?
    No, I won’t rename the page. It has worked wonderfully so far. If the title offends you, too bad. Maybe you should read the rest of the site.
  • “Some Wiccan pissed you off, right?”
    Yes, actually. That Wiccan was ME. There’s just something about noticing that you’re acting like a complete moron, that makes you stop and take stock of your behavior….
    Being the head of a few Wiccan groups didn’t help — here was the very same behavior that I’d found appalling in myself, but sheeplike on a bandwagon, from a bunch of “individuals.” Obviously, there’s something very, very wrong with Wicca today. After so long, I couldn’t take it anymore — I posted an anonymous rant on the internet, and thus, WWS was born.
    The rant is out of my system… long out of my system… but I get so many emails from people all over the world, that it’s apparent that WWS is doing a lot of good. So, here it is, still online.
  • “I hate to tell you this buddy, but your so-called ‘facts’ are wrong!!! I don’t know where you got this load of crap! You probably made it all up yourself!!!”
    Give me a break. All of the facts on my page are common knowledge. You think they’re “wrong” simply because you haven’t heard of them before. Do your own research, and you’ll discover the same things. (And you won’t keep sounding like such a moron.)
    This is a good place to start. Or try your local library. Or, look up the stuff you’re unsure about by keyword, in a search engine like Yahoo, Altavista, Google, etc. Hey, it’s not MY fault you haven’t done any research.
  • “You hypocrite! Don’t you realize you’re telling us Your Way is the Only Way?”
    If anyone can point out what “my way” is, or where the heck it is on the page, I’d love to read it. (After all, it would be cool if I could follow it, too!)
    If you’d notice, never once have I claimed to have the key to life the universe and everything, or the whole of existence all figured out, or any of that jazz. (As soon as I do, I figure I’m due for a visit with a qualified psychiatrist.) I’m mucking along as best I can, just like you. Sorry to disappoint you.
  • “How can you claim to be mystical and stuff if you’re so darned hateful and bitter?”
    Maybe I realize that emotions such as anger or disgust are just as valid as the nice pretty emotions like joy and love. Maybe I realize that it’s part of being human. And maybe, just maybe, I get it out of my system by writing it down… instead of bottling it up, letting it fester, and taking it out on Jevoha’s Witnesses.
  • “Where did you get these stupid ideas about magic(k) being more than beautiful environmental religious-type stuff?”
    From experience…. Imagine that!
    Remember, “witchcraft” and “magic” didn’t mean “Wave this athame around and feel at peace with yourself” until the write-newage-books-for-money explosion, you know. It really meant witchcraft and magic… all of that stuff you’re so mad at Hollywood for “getting wrong” because your author’s Instant Witch initiation is easier.
  • “Will you teach me?!?”
    No. Teach yourself. I’ve given you several great places to start, such as this page. But if you have a tough question, feel free to ask.
  • “Can you recommend some good, non-fluffy books or links?”
    Ahem. There’s a whole page about it right there in the main menu.
  • “Wow. You totally opened my eyes to what a jerk I’ve been lately. I don’t want to be fluffy!! Where do I start? How do I become a non-fluffy?”
    The two previous links are a good start. But here’s more advice.

Why Wiccans Suck navigation
Home Page
Why Wiccans Suck (Read this first)
The History of Wicca
—-Other Annoying Facts
“You’re Not Worthy!”
Those Annoying Christians
Burning Times

Everything on this page is © 4nongoths originally. It is reprinted here without permission as I have no idea how to get ahold of 4nongoths. If you are 4nongoths, please feel free to email me and we can discuss taking this information down.


All content on this website is copyright Natasha Costa unless otherwise noted.


The information displayed here is for informational purposes only.

The information and opinions expressed here are representative of only myself, Natasha Costa. They do not represent those of my employers, any organizations I belong to, friends, relatives, or acquaintances.

Email the webmaster at tashabot at gmail dot com.