The History of Wicca

Note that this is a summarized
account of Wiccan history.
There are excellent articles
about the subject under Links.

But this is definitely different
than the version those pretty
paperbacks have been selling you.

  • “Wicca is the oldest religion!” There were no religions prior to 1950? (Man oh man!!! The Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and all are living a lie!)
    Oddly enough, no one had heard of this supposedly ancient religion until Gerald Gardner came along and started selling books about it, after the repeal of the anti-Witchcraft laws in Britain in 1951. His first (rather vague) books sounded suspiciously similar to Margaret Murray’s descriptions of what witch covens are supposed to be like in her Witch Cult in Western Europe, published several years earlier. (Historians find Murray’s “facts” not only dubious, but outright dishonest.) Gardner’s description of Wicca soon turned away from intellectual, masonic-type rituals (oh, by the way, he had previously been a member of the Golden Dawn) to a simpler version which sounded more suited to ordinary peasants.
    Gardner’s info on this ultra-secret cult supposedly came from his membership in a mysterious coven run by “Old Dorothy,” who has conveniently vanished into the mists of time. So, at most, we can believe on Gardner’s word that there was one pre-Gardnerian “Wiccan” coven. There is absolutely no evidence of earlier “Wiccan” traditions (although there’s plenty of records of other secret occult groups, such as the Knights Templar).
  • When Gardner started his own public coven, the first and purest form of the religion of “Wicca” was born. But just as the Christians are made up of several different sects (the Protestants breaking away from the Catholics, the Mormons breaking away from the Protestants, etc.) Wicca has evolved into several different traditions in the past 50 years. The most well-known branches are Alexandrian, Dianic, and Seax Wicca… which are you? (What, you don’t know? Isn’t that like a Christian having no idea which church he attends?)
    BTW, “Faery Wicca” is NOT a tradition. It’s the name of a book. The “tradition” extends far, far back to the time of the author’s publishing date. Same goes for “Celtic Wicca,” “White Wicca,” “Healing Wicca,” and so on. Having a religion involves more than liking any certain author.

But I’m not here to debate Wicca itself.

I has have said (often) I have no problem with Wicca.

But these kids who run around saying “My God is OLDER (therefore better) than yours!” are frigging annoying. It’s a new religion — accept it, respect it, live it.

But to the hundred or so people that have written me reciting bestselling “ancient roots” tripe — here are the most common arguments.

Why Wiccans Suck navigation
Home Page
Why Wiccans Suck (Read this first)
The History of Wicca
—-Other Annoying Facts
“You’re Not Worthy!”
Those Annoying Christians
Burning Times

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